Using the Command Line

Don’t like reading documentation? Get started quickly by looking at the many examples provided. If you are not familiar with the command line then please continue reading. The installation includes a sample BAT file illustrating the usage of the command line (look for CPTI_TEST.bat).


CPTI can be run without a user interface with command line arguments much like in the good old DOS days. You can initiate command line execution by going to the operating system’s command prompt or within Windows from the START-RUN menu and typing it in there. Lastly, the command line interface can be used from Batch files (files with *.BAT extension). A batch file can be created in a simple editor like notepad, and saved. Once saved, simply double click the bat file within the Windows Explorer to execute it.


There are two approaches to using the command line:

Specify a Conversion Job that was built using CPTI’s graphical user interface and saved as a conversion job file (*.SII);

Specify a Conversion Task in detail.


Specifying a 'Conversion Job' file is very easy, you only need to create the conversion job file with the CPTI user interface and then specify where to find the 'Conversion Job' (*.SII) file by using the /J switch. You can have hundreds or thousands of tasks specified in the 'Conversion Job' file, all of which will get executed in one fell swoop. For example:

ConvertPDFtoImage.exe /J "D:\My Conversion Job Files\AccountingPDFs.SII"


Specifying a conversion task is a bit more tedious; however it is much more powerful/flexible and does not require the prior creation of a ‘Conversion Job’ file. This documentation and an on-line command line creation wizard have an enormous amount of detailed examples that are well organized. Therefore specifying a conversion task for the command line should be as easy as finding your specific case and modifying it to meet your needs. Please see the Complete List of Examples and Specifying a Conversion Task to get started.


IMPORTANT: If you see the following error or have any other issues:

"ConvertPDFtoImage is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."

Then please read Helpful Hints For Creating a Command Line for further assistance.


See Also:

Helpful Hints for Creating a Command Line

Command Line Examples

Specifying a Conversion Task

Specifying a Conversion Job File

Using the Command Line

All Command Line Switches

Image File Type Constants