Contribute Articles

If you have a file conversion website, you can reach more visitors by contributing articles to  Articles must be unbiased, discussing a topic that our visitors will be interested in.  For example, if you sell a PDF conversion tool, you could write an article touting the strengths and weaknesses of the PDF format, and the challenges posed in converting information to (or from) other formats.  Feel free to present a problem that your tool will solve, but without mentioning your tool specifically.  Keep in mind that some visitors are looking to harvest information, others are simply looking to preserve it, and others are looking to standardize on a format that they have already chosen.

There is no limit to the number of articles you may contribute, but they must be original works, be non-proprietary in nature, and you must have the authority to agree to our User Agreement (as it applies to your submission).  Every approved file conversion article will get its own webpage, giving full credit to the author, a free link to the author's website, and a short summary of what the author's company does.  In return, we request a reciprocating link from your home page, showing you to be a member of our Web Community. Click here to view code for acceptable links to our site.  Businesses offering affiliate programs or reseller opportunities will be given special consideration.

If you are looking for ideas, we are seeking articles that explain one or more of the following:


the pros and cons of using Microsoft Excel to perform file conversion


the pros and cons of specific file formats


alternatives to Microsoft Office, and how to transition


the importance of standardizing on a single format (document, images,
or music)


the challenges and pitfalls of moving files between PCs and MACs,
and how to do it right

To Submit, use the form below:
(all fields with * are required)

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Website URL

Email Address*


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I certify that I am the author or sole owner of the material I am submitting to or have the authority to submit the below material on behalf of my company. and its licensees may reproduce, distribute, publish, display, edit, modify, create derivative works and otherwise use the material for any purpose in any form and on any media. I agree to indemnify for all damages and expenses that may be incurred in connection with the material. For more information, please see our user agreement.
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