P117 Delete All Empty Sheets within a Workbook




Extra Parameters: /1{Parameter1} … /n{Nth Parameter}


Delete All Empty Sheets within a Workbook


This special process is used to clean up a workbook by removing any empty worksheets. The worksheet must be completely empty for it to be deleted. Whitespace characters such as space, tab etc that appear hidden in a sheet can keep it from being deleted.

Example 1: Remove empty sheets from a workbook

This next example deletes all empty sheets within the IN.XLS workbook and saves it to Out.XLS

ConvertXLS.EXE /S"C:\Input\In.XLS" /T"C:\Output\Out.XLS" /P117

Example 2: Remove empty sheets from a many workbooks

This next example deletes all empty sheets for all workbooks within the c:\input\ folder and saves it to the c:\Output\ folder.

ConvertXLS.EXE /S"C:\Input\*.XLS" /T"C:\Output\*.XLS" /P117