Specifying a Conversion Task

The syntax for the command line is:


ConvertPPT /S{Original File(s)} /T{Target File(s)} /C# [/Y#] [/Z#] [/E] [/G] [/V] [/R] [/F#] [/L{LogFile}] [/B{LogToJobFile}]


Items above enclosed in square brackets "[ ]" are optional, all other 'switches' are required. Therefore /S, /T, /C# should always be specified on the command line. There is one exception however, and that is when /G is specified, the /T switch is not necessary.

You can include or exclude spaces between switches and parameters. For example, "/C6" is the same as "/C 6".

Command line switches are case sensitive, therefore /V is valid and /v is not.

For long file names (e.g. a path or file name with spaces in it, or longer than 8.3 format) you are required to use double quotes. For example:

ConvertPPT /S "C:\Power Point\1234567891011.ppt" /T "C:\PPTOutput\TextFile.txt" /C200 /V


Next, read about each command line switch and then dive into the examples.


See also:

Complete List of Command Line Examples

Command Line Switch Specification

File Type Constants Specification

Using 'Convert PowerPoint' - Command Line

Helpful Hints For Creating a Command Line