Example: Converting from PPT to TXT

Note: To convert PPT to HTML, RTF, PDF, JPG or any of the other output file formats instead of text, simply swap /C200 with the appropriate number (see File Type Constants for a complete listing) in the examples below and change the type of the target folder (specified by the /T item) to the correct type.


Convert a single PowerPoint file into text, defaulting to all slides and a single output file. Use verbose mode to display on-screen confirmation:

ConvertPPT /S "C:\PowerPoint\Fragments.ppt" /T "C:\PPTOutput\FragmentsText.txt" /C200 /V


Convert a single PowerPoint file into text format, slides 1 through 4 only, and create a separate output file for each. Note that CPPT will automatically number each page separately (e.g. FragmentsText.txtSlide1.txt, FragmentsText.txtSlide2.txt, etc.). Uses verbose mode to display on-screen confirmation:

ConvertPPT /S "C:\PowerPoint\Fragments.ppt" /T "C:\PPTOutput\FragmentsText.txt" /Y1 /Z4 /E /C200 /V


Convert a single PowerPoint file into text, default to all slides and create a separate output file for each; create an output log at C:\Logs\CPPTLog.log:

ConvertPPT /S "C:\PowerPoint\Fragments.ppt" /T "C:\PPTOutput\FragmentsText.txt" /E /C200 /L "C:\Logs\CPPTLog.log"


Convert an entire file folder of PowerPoint presentations to text. They will carry the same name as the original files with a .txt extension. Create a log:

ConvertPPT /S "C:\PowerPoint\*.ppt" /T "C:\PPTOutput\*.txt" /C200 /L "C:\Logs\CPPTLog.log"


Convert an entire file folder of PowerPoint presentations to text and store them in the original folder. Use the /G switch instead of /T to save to the original folder. The files will carry the same name as the originals but with a .txt extension. Create a log:

ConvertPPT /S "C:\PowerPoint\*.ppt" /G /C200 /L "C:\Logs\CPPTLog.log"

To extend this example to convert all subfolders within C:\PowerPoint\ simply add the /R switch.


ConvertPPT /S "C:\PowerPoint\*.ppt" /G /C200 /L "C:\Logs\CPPTLog.log /R


It is highly encouraged that you use the Verbose (/V) switch initially to see the status of your conversion. You may create a log file instead of or in addition to using /V and the reported information will be stored in the log instead of being displayed on the screen. Subsequent runs can be directed to the same log file and the new information will be appended, leaving data from your prior run(s) intact.