Convert from PDF to a TIF (Single file)

Here we specify the input (/S) and output files (/T), and the TIF format (/C3) of the output file. We also use the /V switch to give us on-screen confirmation of how the conversion went. Lastly, we convert all pages (/1 *) use 200 DPI Resolution (/5 200):


ConvertPDFToImage.exe /S "C:\Input\Coffee.pdf" /C3 /T "C:\Output\Cream.TIF" /1 * /5 200 /V

To change the target file type simply change the /T{Target File} and /C# switch. The /C# switch is not always needed (see Helpful Hints for Creating a Command Line). Easily change the width and height of the output file using the /6 and /7 switches respectively. To convert only certain pages, say 2-5, specify it using the the /1 switch (i.e. /1 2-5). Switche /8 may also be of interest to you:


/8{TiffConvertToSingleFile }

TiffConvertToSingleFile: If you are converting multiple pages in a PDF file to a TIFF, you can have a single file output or mulitple file output. Use /8 1 to create a single file or /8 0 to create mulitple output files.


See Also: Command Line Examples